Japanese Journal of Sociology, Special Issue: Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic to Japanese Society, volume 31, issue 1, March 2022:
Imai, Jun. 2022. “ Introduction: Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic to Japanese Society”, Japanese Journal of Sociology 31 (1): 3– 6.
Maruyama, Masao. 2022. “ Urban Governance of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: An Urban Political Sociological Approach to the Case of Osaka”, Japanese Journal of Sociology 31 (1): 7– 22. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijjs.12135
Takahashi, Koji. 2022. “ COVID-19 Pandemic and Non-Standard Employees in Japan”, Japanese Journal of Sociology 31 (1): 23– 41.
Yamada, Yoko. 2022. “ Living with Suicidal Feelings: Japanese Non-Profit Organizations for Suicide Prevention Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Japanese Journal of Sociology 31 (1): 42– 55. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijjs.12138
Takeda, Shunsuke. 2022. “ Continuation of Festivals and Community Resilience during COVID-19: The Case of Nagahama Hikiyama Festival in Shiga Prefecture, Japan” Japanese Journal of Sociology 31 (1): 56– 66. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijjs.12132
Nishimura, Junko. 2022. “ Domestic Help and the Gender Division of Domestic Labor during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Gender Inequality among Japanese Parents”, Japanese Journal of Sociology 31 (1): 67– 85. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijjs.12137
Iijima, W. (2021)
Jishuku as a Japanese Way for Anti-COVID-19: Some Basic Reflections. Historical Social Research, Supplement, 33, 284-301.
Tsujimoto, Yusuke,
Do Firms Cater to Corporate QE? Evidence from the Bank of Japan’s Corporate Bond Purchases during the COVID-19 Pandemic (June 21, 2021).
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3871554
Vicente, Lécia and Ruggeri, Lucia and Kasiwazaki, Kozue,
Beyond Lipstick and High Heels: Three Tell-Tale Narratives of Female Leadership in the United States, Italy and Japan (November 1, 2020). Hastings Women's Law Journal, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2020.
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3794339
Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., ...McElwain, K.M., Shoji, M.
The bright and dark sides of social media usage during the COVID-19 pandemic: Survey evidence from Japan
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2021, 54, 102034
Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., ...McElwain, K.M., Shoji, M.
Social distancing as a public good under the COVID-19 pandemic
Public Health, 2020, 188, pp. 51–53
Jeudi 4 mars à 13 h (heure française)
Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (& MSH Sud pour les moyens techniques)
Libertés individuelles et gestion sanitaire en temps de Covid-19 : une analyse socio-spatiale et politique du cas japonais.
Intervention de Adrienne Sala, chercheuse en sociologie politique associée à la Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS et chercheuse invitée à l’université de Tokyo ; Rémi Scoccimarro, maître de conférences en langue et civilisation japonaises, université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, chercheur associé à l’institut français de recherche sur le Japon.
Modération : Julien Mary, MSH Sud.
L’analyse socio-spatiale à l’aide d’une cartographie détaillée de l'épidémie de covid19 au Japon, par Rémi Scoccimarro, sera complétée par Adrienne Sala d’une analyse politique de la gestion de crise au cours des trois différentes vagues (mars-mai//juillet-août/depuis novembre) qui rythment cette crise sanitaire. Les intervenants présenteront brièvement le cadre légal des maladies infectieuses au Japon, qui confère une place majeure à la notion de "responsabilité" (du gouvernement national, des gouvernements locaux et des citoyens). Ils analyseront ensuite la coordination des acteurs politiques, scientifiques, économiques et des citoyens, au niveau national et local, dans la mise en œuvre des différentes mesures appliquées à chaque nouvelle vague, et ce en soulignant les tensions, les rapports de force et les conflits d’intérêt inhérents à cette crise. En conclusion, et en ouverture vers des réflexions nouvelles, la relation japonaise entre liberté et sécurité soulevée par la crise sanitaire sera abordée.
Fraser, T., Aldrich, D.P. The dual effect of social ties on COVID-19 spread in Japan.
Sci Rep 11, 1596 (2021).
KITAGAWA Ritsu, KURODA Sachiko, OKUDAIRA Hiroko, OWAN Hideo, 2021, Working from Home: Its Effects on Productivity and Mental Health,
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-E-024
Daisuke Miyakawa, Koki Oikawa, Kozo Ueda, 2021 Firm Exit during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Japan.
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 59
Labor Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic,
The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, April 2021(No.729)
Sala Adrienne, "Japan crisis management policy and Covid-19 epidemic: a delicate balance between freedom and security"
GIS ASIE, November 2020: http://www.gis-reseau-asie.org/en/japan-crisis-management-policy-and-covid-19-epidemic-delicate-balance-between-freedom-and-security
Tetsuya, Yamamoto et al. (2020), "The psychological impact of 'mild lockdown' in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide survey under a declared state of emergency"
MedRxiv preprint.
Observatoire de l’OIT: La COVID?19 et le monde du travail. Sixième édition Estimations actualisées et analyses
Rapport d’Amnesty international :
Exposed, Silenced, Attacked: Failures To Protect Health And Essential Workers During The Covid-19 Pandemic
T.Watanabe, T. Yabu, « Japan’s Voluntary Lockdown. »
Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, Issue 46, 1-31,1 September 2020, CEPR Press
Lunch Seminar on Japanese Economy and Society at the French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison franco-japonaise, held on Friday September 18th, 2020.
Hoshi Takeo (University of Tokyo), Japanese Economy after COVID-19
The Powerpoint can be downloaded here:
Hoshi-Japanese Economy After Covid19-sept2020 (793.84 Ko)
Nakamura, Hiroki, and Shunsuke Managi. “Airport risk of importation and exportation of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Transport policy vol. 96 (2020): 40-47. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.06.018
Tsuji, Yuichiro, Japanese Government Actions against COVID-19 under the Directives of Constitutional and Administrative Law (June 1, 2020).
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3499938
Tsuji, Yuichiro
Meiji University School of Law; University of Tsukuba.
Bassino, Jean-Pascal and Ladmiral, Guillaume, "Socio-Economic Factors Influencing COVID-19 Spread in Japan; Evidence from the Second Wave (March-May 2020)", June 30, 2020.
The failure to prevent international dissemination of COVID-19 results in a major exogenous shock. Social scientists should not limit themselves to estimating the economic impact and proposing mitigating measures. It is also critical to better assess the social and economic profiles of the populations the most at risk of acting as vectors of virus importation or the most exposed to domestic transmission. The low prevalence observed in Japan in the first half of 2020, due to limited local transmission, enables a quantitative investigation of socio-economic factors influencing the spread using municipality-level and prefecture-level data. Space congestion, international mobility, and occupational exposure are identified as expected, along with a strong income effect. Policy implications that appear also relevant for other countries are considered.
Keywords: Farr effect, international travel, occupational risk, income, health expenditures, social capital, municipality level data, prefecture level data, count data, Negative Binomial regression, Kaldor-Hicks efficiency
JEL classification: I10, I12, I14, R10, Z13
Japantimes, 2020/06/12
Is Japan’s low COVID-19 death rate due to a 'higher cultural level’?
Rochelle Kopp
Nikkei Asian Journal, 2020/05/14
Japan's coronavirus response is flawed - but it works
Focus on clusters helps country defy grim forecasts despite missteps
Andy Crump, Kitasato University
Morita, Hiroyoshi and Nakamura, Shinichiro and Hayashi, Yoshitsugu (May 6, 2020)
Changes of Urban Activities and Behaviors Due to COVID-19 in Japan.
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3594054 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3594054
2020/04/22 (University of Tokyo)
Watanabe, Tsutomu, and Yuki Omori. How Much Did People Refrain from Service Consumption due to the Outbreak of COVID-19? Working Paper No. 021. University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Economics, 2020.
La Vie des idées, 17 avril 2020
« Le Japon face à l’épidémie. Gestion de crise et responsabilité civique »
Adrienne Sala (IFRJ-MFJ)
Cato, Susumu and Iida, Takashi and Ishida, Kenji and Ito, Asei and McElwain, Kenneth Mori (April 16, 2020)
The Effect of Soft Government Directives About COVID-19 on Social Beliefs in Japan.
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3577448 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3577448
Sixteen 2020/04/15
Vietnam Winning New War Against Invisible EnemyJomo Kwame Sundaram, Anis Chowdhury
The Telegraph 2020/04/11
'Infect the young and isolate those at risk' One German scientist's plan to end the lockdown
Prof Alexander Kekulé says the lockdown is in danger of going on too long and causing more damage than the virus
(Alexander Kekulé, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
Sixteen, 2020/04/10
Listening as governance
Amartya Sen
VOX (CEPR) 2020/04/09
Pandemics and asymmetric shocks: Lessons from the history of plagues
Guido Alfani (Bocconi University)
The ultimate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are impossible to foretell. This column examines major plague episodes from the past millennium to draw lessons for the current crisis. The effects of the 14th century Black Death and 17th century plagues were heterogeneous, depending on multiple epidemiological factors and initial conditions. Some regions recovered quickly, while others suffered prolonged economic damage. Dealing with the asymmetric shocks of COVID-19 and preventing similar economic collapse calls for coordination and collective action by affected countries.
VOX (CEPR) 2020/04/04
The responses of consumption and prices in Japan to the COVID-19 crisis and the Tohoku earthquake
Tsutomu Watanabe (University of Tokyo)
VOX (CEPR) 2020/04/03
A progressive European wealth tax to fund the European COVID response
Camille Landais (London School of Economics), Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman (Univeristy of California, Berkeley)
VOX (CEPR) 2020/04/01
Supply chain contagion waves: Thinking ahead on manufacturing ‘contagion and reinfection’ from the COVID concussion
Richard Baldwin (Graduate Institute, Geneva), Rebecca Freeman (London School of Economics)
VOX (CEPR) 2020/04/01
Schools, skills, and learning: The impact of COVID-19 on education
Simon Burgess, Hans Henrik Sievertsen (University of Bristol)
Institut Montaigne, Avril 2020
Covid-19 : l’Asie orientale face à la pandémie
Mathieu Duchâtel, François Godement et Viviana Zhu
The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, 2020/03/30
Shigeki Morinobu (Chuo university)
What Constitutes a “Sensible” Coronavirus Stimulus Package? A Reality Check
La vie des idées 2020/03/25
Savoir et prévoir : Première chronologie de l’émergence du Covid-19
Pascal Marichalar (Chargé de recherches au CNRS)
Inoue, Hiroyasu and Todo, Yasuyuki (March 31, 2020)
The Propagation of the Economic Impact through Supply Chains: The Case of a Mega-City Lockdown against the Spread of COVID-19 .
Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3564898 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3564898
Contexts 2020/03/25
The global coronavirus epidemic: commentary on east asia’s response
Rashawn Ray and Fabio Rojas
VOX (CEPR) 2020/03/24
Standard macro and credit policies cannot deal with global pandemic: A proposal for a negative SME tax
Thomas Drechsel, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan (University of Maryland)
VOX (CEPR) 2020/03/22
Pandemics and social capital: From the Spanish flu of 1918-19 to COVID-19
Arnstein Aassve, Guido Alfani, Francesco Gandolfi, Marco Le Moglie (Bocconi University)
(“(This study finds that)”… social disruption during the period led to long-term deterioration in social trust, which had important economic consequences. The findings highlight the importance of a strong response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”)
Le Temps (Genève) 2020/03/21
Covid-19: histoire d’une mediatisation
Une équipe de recherche de l’EPFL a étudié les liens entre articles, recherches Google et mentions du virus sur les réseaux sociaux. La flambée épidémique en Lombardie a eu un impact décisif en Suisse, en France et en Allemagne
Le Monde 2020/03/21
Le freinage volontaire de l’économie française ne pourra pas être poursuivi sans danger au delà d’un mois.
Alain Trannoy (Directeur d’études EHESS)
The Atlantic 2020/03/21
Denmark’s Idea Could Help the World Avoid a Great Depression
“We are freezing the economy.”
(Interview of Flemming Larsen, a professor at the Center for Labor Market Research at Denmark’s Aalborg University)
Rieti 2020/03/19
New coronavirus and productivity in telework conditions
森川 正之 Morikawa Masayuki (Hitotsubashi University)
The Tokyo foundation for Policy Research, 2020/03/18
Addressing the Economic Fallout from the Coronavirus Crisis: Emergency Proposals by Economists in Japan
Keiichiro Kobayashi (Keio University), Motohiro Sato (Hitotsubashi University)
Zaraket, H., Saito, R. Japanese Surveillance Systems and Treatment for Influenza. Curr Treat Options Infect Dis 8, 311–328 (2016).
Rieti 2020/02/25
What Should We Learn from the Economic Impact of the New Coronavirus
戸堂 康之 Todo Yasuyuki (Waseda University)
University of Tokyo Press, 2020/01
Genda Y. & Rida T. (Institut of Social Science,Tokyo university)
危機対応の社会科学 未来への手応え (Penser les crises avec les sciences sociales : des réponses pour le futur)
Dans le cadre d’une série de quatre publications issues du projet de recherche Kiki taiô gaku (Etude sur la « gestion » des crises) de l’Institut de Science sociale de l’université de Tokyo.
Les catastrophes naturelles, les guerres, les paniques, la démographie, les questions relatives à la famille, à la santé, au travail, aux relations humaines sont autant de facteurs de crise sociale nécessitant une gestion appropriée et pour laquelle les connaissances en sciences sociales sont mobilisées. Cet ouvrage propose de réfléchir aux mesures de gestion de crise en questionnant le droit, les institutions, les valeurs, les comportements en temps de crise.
Préface (Rida T.)
Première partie : Les crises et le droit
Deuxième partie : Les crises et les institutions
Troisième partie : Les crises et les valeurs
Quatrième partie : Les crises et les comportements
Postface (Genda Y.)